What I liked:
- It was a creative storyline.
- The girls are cute.
- Vanessa Hudgens didn't have many lines.
- Don Draper!
- Some of the special effects are cool.
- The music video that runs through the credits is hilarious, although I don't think that it is meant to be.
What I didn't like:
- It was dark and twisted but not in a good way.
- The dialog was weak.
- Some of the special effects are bad.
- They never run out of ammunition.
- It takes more then some martial art moves for a girl who weighs 90 lbs. to beat a creature that weighs 1000.
- The way that they used the music was weird. It was like they were trying to make mini music videos within the movie.
- Jon Hamm, really? You didn't need this.
- Carla Gugino, the same goes for you.
Grade: D+
Great film! Very entertaining. Loved the music too. Nice retrofuture scenes and effects!