Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cars 2

Do kids just like bright colors and fast cars?

What I liked:

  • I liked Michael Caine and Emily Mortimer as spy cars.
  • The animation was incredible. So much detail went into designing the cities.  Excellent work.
What I didn't like: 
  • It was kind of boring.  Not funny.  The kids in the audience only laughed once or twice.  I was told that the first one was much funnier.
  • I thought Pixar was trying to convey the message that other fuels would be better than gasoline (which I am all for) but then they mixed up everything so the message gets lost.
Grade: C+


  1. Refrain from trolling the RT forum and bad publicity. First of all the movie is not released and not shown to any critics, so care to give explanation of this phony nonsense review.

  2. This review is very real as it is my feedback from seeing an advanced screening. Please come back and comment again after you see the movie and let me know what you think.
